mercredi 13 septembre 2023

Fostering the Creation of the Julia Community in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, hosted a meetup on September 7, 2023, where several dozen people gathered to exchange knowledge and learn about the fundamentals and history of Julia programming language, as well as to code using this programming language and its advantages. The objective of this meetup is to promote and revitalize the Julia community in the Democratic Republic of Congo, aiming to engage a large number of individuals and create a highly active community.

Narcisse Mbunzama presenting a session during Julia Meet up on September 7, 2023 in Kinshasa

The workshop allowed around ten participants, including students from the University of Kinshasa, the National Pedagogical University, and the Catholic University of Congo, as well as other programming enthusiasts from Kinshasa, to come together and learn how to code in Julia. The meetup provided an opportunity for Julia developers to acquire knowledge and skills related to Julia programming, which is a significant advantage. They had the opportunity to not only expand their knowledge and skills in Julia but also to contribute to the growing programming landscape in the DRC. Such initiatives are crucial for promoting technological advancement and innovation within the country.
This gathering was made possible thanks to the generous financial support from the Julia community in the USA. Invitations were extended to students from local universities in Kinshasa, and various computer clubs across the city. Despite its modest scale, the event generated significant enthusiasm, with numerous individuals expressing their eagerness to participate. However, due to constraints related to timing, budget, and planning, only a limited number of participants could be accommodated.

           Participants in the meetup learning how to code with Julia

The organizing team ensured that participants faced minimal logistical challenges by covering transportation expenses, deskopt at venue rental, sound equipment, and providing refreshments during the meeting. The meeting was skillfully led by Narcisse Mbunzama, a seasoned computer scientist who is also a dedicated member of both the Digital Security Group and the Developer Association in the DRC. His substantial experience in computer programming, coupled with his active efforts to promote the Julia community within the Democratic Republic of Congo, were instrumental in making the event a success.

In addition to fostering local Julia expertise, the meetup underscored the importance of establishing and maintaining strong connections with global Julia communities. By doing so, participants can tap into a vast network of resources, knowledge, and collaborative opportunities, ultimately contributing to the growth and enrichment of the Julia programming landscape both locally and globally.